Sunday 6 February 2011

Black Wings.

Blog goal: FAIL.
Try, try, try again.

The job hunt has began, albeit slowly. I miss the retail industry, I just wish there were more jobs going in pet stores than phone shops. In the end I'll sink my teeth into any job that will have me, but if we survive on canned spaghetti on toast I think we can hold out for positions that we'll actually enjoy for maybe another two weeks. The Boy and I were both TAFE students way back when, so at least we have some experience.

Had an excuse to stop being lazy when a friend asked me to sketch up a logo for his weekly poker gatherings. It took me a few days to convince myself that I was capable of drawing, but I finally got around to it.

After playing with black wings for a little while, I've come to a definite conclusion: once I have money I want a new tattoo.

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