Tuesday 26 June 2012

Carpe Diem (Oh Captain, My Captain).

It's more than just about seizing the day, it's about realising that rather than looking forward to the future; the someday - you need to just pause for a moment.
I must waste so much of my time almost waiting for my life to begin.

So right now, instead of sleeping while the boys are sleeping in the hopes of retaining my sanity tomorrow, I'm tat tat typing away.


I'm eating homemade cookies straight from the oven - because damn if there isn't anything better than that.

It's raining outside, somewhere in the blackness.

And I'm listening to the Holy Grail, by Hunters and Collectors, because it reminds me of invincible young nights down the pub whilst flirting with inevitable disaster.

It's 9pm on a Wednesday.
Oh what a rebel.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Reflecting On the Luckiness of Me.

Tonight's about sitting cross-legged, purring cat in my lap, thinking of everything I'm thankful for.
Most of all the music that permeates through my life; a mismatched wavering soundtrack that keeps my world alive. 

These two boys just melt my heart
as though it's ice-cream on a pancake.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Long Weekends.

I spent the long weekend cuddled up in covers along with my five furry creatures, The Boy, Our Archer, and Doppelgänger, who we borrowed for three companionable nights.


Marshmallows by the fire, the smell of delicious rum, silent fights over blankets while we wasted away our nights on the couch watching shows.
Life in it's simple and pleasurable form.

And on another note, I found some old copic markers, so here's a drawing of a wolf :)

Monday 11 June 2012

Music From Another Room.

As I sit on the couch, light being slowly leeched from my surroundings, I hear music from another room. Real music, with real instruments, played in conjunction with honest laughter by real musicians.

Lucky doesn't come close to describing how I feel having this in my life, and knowing Our Archer will grow up immersed in it, just like I did.

The Boy and Doppelgänger were joined by their missing member, codename: Guitar Man, and, guided by a few drinks, began compiling some old notes.
Hopefully, with the Guitar Man's permanent return, music will become like air in this house. The way it should be.

I sketched as I listened, feeling comforted by this familiar life.

Friday 1 June 2012

Good Morning, Winter.

Today I;
collected pinecones to add to my stash of kindling. 
Very much looking forward to lighting the fire for the first time in our new house. I have a romantic clip in my head of lazing on the carpet, glass of something sophisticated in my hand, talking long into the night with only the warm glow of flames to play across our world.

dealt with the bank and tried to remain calm.
Institutions like you to jump through hoops, and there are times I really do wonder, 'is it just for their enjoyment?'

heard that two good friends are breaking up.
Codename: White Mustang and Codename: Nightingale seemed happy. But one of them wasn't. Endings are sad, and cruel, and never fair... and remind me (as selfish as it is) that what I have is constant, ever-changing yet solid.