Monday 28 January 2013

Draw, draw, draw.

The Sketchbook Project...
A few of the pages:

A Totally Pointless Task.

Today it rained. 
Our patio flooded with fresh, cold water, with dirt and with leaves. My memory flooded with other rainy days; a little girl all dressed in pink, stomping around in puddles and making little boats out of styrofoam to float in the flooded area under the house. 

Our Archer is still too young for me to captivate him in the world of make believe... but I thought maybe I needed a refresher course in case my imagination had dried up.
So tonight, I made a little boat out of styrofoam.
The Boy, to my delight (though not to my surprise), picked up sticky tape and stanley knife and humoured me.

I feel better after doing that. More... I don't know, childish, I guess. It was refreshing to do something totally pointless for a change.

Monday 21 January 2013


Birthdays are one of those nostalgic kind of times.
Last week Our Archer had his first birthday. The day itself was casual - the poor little monster wasn't well, but as a bonus this allowed The Boy to stay home from work with a doctor's certificate. 

I am only now reminded at how an entire year has gone by and I still haven't sat myself down to quietly admire the miracle that is a newborn baby. I told myself every week that I would take the time, maybe have a long soak in the bath, and re-live the whole process in my head. I'm sure I'll get around to it, maybe in another ten or fifteen years.

The weekend that followed turned me into a "real mum." I baked the cake, hung the decorations and invited other pint sized human beings for an afternoon in the ball pit.
I'm not a baker, or a very organised hostess, but I did enjoy the decorations and my first attempt at playing with fondant. 
Kids - a constant excuse to be creative.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

One Week Down.

I had a New Years post half written up on a crumpled piece of paper, but amidst  the expected and unexpected invasion of in-laws I never got around to half a minute at the computer.
This year I've set my self the resolution of drawing more. Nothing more concrete than that - trying to keep it simple.
I would also like to find my lost camera, but as it was last seen at a large family gathering I'm beginning to lose hope.

New Years Eve itself played host the an extreme water balloon war. It was a good start to a year.