Friday 23 August 2013

Friday Night Activities.

Tonight needed a little bit of spray paint.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Till Midnight.

Every night this week I've stayed up till midnight. It's not quite the almost-dawn, V'd up paint sessions of my earlier artistic years, but it's certainly an improvement on the more recent months.
It's getting warmer, which helps, and I'm about to tackle the third trimester which, if I remember anything from last time, came with a suitable amount of energy.

Thankfully for my crafts this has happened during a several week stint of The Boy working early (therefore going to bed early) and with a mostly cooperative toddler I've managed to spew out a few new paintings.

I'd like to do something a little more consistent, but there's a little alarm in my brain reminding me that, come November, my time won't be my own once again - for all the best reasons.

This week's accomplishments.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Recently on the Easel.

Being playing with gouache again lately. I like when it acts like watercolour, but isn't watercolour.

Monday 5 August 2013

How Does One Paint Without Chocolate?

Working on a commissioned piece tonight.
Struggling to stay awake long after Our Monster and The Boy are snuggled up in bed together.
Thoroughly enjoying the feel of a paintbrush back in my hands after two months away from a canvas, but here's my question: how does one paint without chocolate? Chocolate, or chiccos or chips at the very least. Hell, right now I'd settle for a honey sandwich.
No energy and temporary diabetes are the two fun things I get stuck with during pregnancy. Looking forward to meeting the reason for my first world suffering :)