Wednesday 4 May 2011

New Ink and Autumn.

My one never wavering adoration in life has always been the rain. I love the smell, I love the sound... I love the colour it paints the world. Yesterday while I was at work it seemed like a bright and sunny day, until it flipped a switch and started pelting down in sheets that broke through our automatic doors. And just like that, it was whisked away again. Childishly, it felt like a present, just for me. Sorry to those eight thousand people left without power for the afternoon.

I know it's not very original, typing out posts about the weather... but here I go again, all the same.

First day of autumn today. I mean, the real first day, when you wake up and everything's crisp for the first time of the year. I used to love it. And in a way, I guess I still do. The fresh scent and lip-chapping breeze haul back every memory left behind in all the year's past. And they all make me smile. Even the ones I didn't smile at, at the time.

I guess today; this week, I'm just happy. Uncomplicated hope, irrational smiling... maybe it's just because it's my birthday tomorrow, but I have this inexplainable, giddy joy right now. I think May's gonna be a good month.

April had it's ups and downs... here's one of it's ups:

My new piece of ink, in traditional "tramp stamp" placing. I'm very please with the outcome... and my perseverance as I don't consider myself very brave when it comes to pain.